Barefoot Walking and Running: Best of Both Worlds with Vivo Barefoot Sneakers
My Viva Terras. Cute on the trail or off. Last summer, I was walking up from the beach at Gay’s Head on Martha’s Vineyard. (They’ve renamed the place Aquinnah, but I’m sticking with the original name, thank you very much) and then headed up the steep dunes, and over the…
The ULTIMATE (Eco) Chick-Mobile!
The second I saw this shot on the gas 2.0 page, I knew I wanted one! This has to be the coolest car ever! This is what I want for Christmas (or before, if possible, LOL). The XR3 is a three-wheeled plug-in diesel hybrid, getting 225 mpg, or if you’re…
Tell the USDA to Regulate GE/GMOs
Genetically modified organisms were not sufficiently tested before entering our food chain. Today, more than 60-70% of packaged foods contain ingredients that have been genetically engineered. Loopholes have allowed industry to avoid disclosure regarding genetically altered food products and it is time to demand testing and regulation. Concerned citizens have…
Green in Paris
So I think I have used up my allotment of fossil fuels for at least the remainder of this year, or more likely the next decade. Why? My husband surprised me with a birthday trip to Paris last weekend. Americans have a love/hate relationship with the French. So of course…
Beards Are The New Hotness!
Letterman and Conan are wearing their ‘strike beards’ to show their solidarity with the writers on their shows. I’ve been seeing it everywhere in New York City; guys with beards now that the cold weather is here. And I’m loving it! It’s sexy, and just a little bit fuzzy too.…
Deathy Hollows
Harry Potter books give me a headache. I’ve read all of them and finished Deathly Hollows this morning. Spoiler: I was extremely disappointed that Harry didn’t die. It would have been too cool. The only good thing about this particular Harry Potter book was the way in which the publishers/author…
MTV Seeks Eco-Activists for TRUE LIFE Documentary Series
Believe it or not, MTV is seeking eco-activists for its award winning documentary series TRUE LIFE. The series is looking to cast young environmentalists taking on the issue of global climate change in their schools, towns, and greater communities. I spoke with MTV this morning and it sounds like they…
Excuse Me, There’s Blood on Your Diamond
“I don’t understand about diamonds, and why men buy them. What’s so impressive about a diamonds except the mining?” —Fiona Apple Many of the prisoner-laborers who work Sierra Leone’s open-pit mines end up in shallow graves, executed for suspected theft, for lack of production, or simply for sport. (© Jean-Claude…
Serious Style to Save You
There’s a gorgeous new e-zine out of foggy ‘ole England! (I swear the Brits are way ahead of us when it comes to making green look great.) Style Will Save Us comes from some of the same fine folks that brought us Ergo Living, a fabulous (but short-lived) print eco magazine. …
Nuclear Power is NOT the Wave of the Future
Betcee May emerging from the Ruins of Indian Point, Illustration by Justin Theodoro Teodoro There’s a new movement to shut down Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant in Westchester County, New York. Having grown up about 10 miles from this reactor, I am first in line when talk turns serious…